Publications Jack van Wijk


B.C.M. Cappers, J.J. van Wijk, S. Etalle.
Eventpad: a visual analytics approach to network intrusion detection and reverse engineering.
In: European Cyper Security Perspectives 2018, KPN, 62-65, 2018.
F. Chevalier, M. Tory, B.S. Lee, J.J. van Wijk, G. Santucci, M. Dork, J. Hullman.
From Analysis to Communication: Supporting the Lifecycle of a Story
In: Data-Driven Storytelling, CRC Press, 2018, 169-202
B.C.M. Cappers, J.J. van Wijk.
Exploring multivariate event sequences using rules, aggregations, and selections
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 24(1), p.532-541, 2018.


P. van der Corput, J.J. van Wijk.
Comparing personal image collections with PICTuReVis
Computer Graphics Forum, 36(3), 295-304, 2017.


A. Corvò, M.A. Westenberg, M.A. van Driel, J.J. van Wijk.
PATHONE: from one thousand patients to one cell.
Proc. of the Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (VCBM), 111-115, 2016.
B.C.M. Cappers, J.J. van Wijk.
Understanding the context of network traffic alerts.
Proc. IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec 2016), p. 1-8, 2016.
P. van der Corput, J.J. van Wijk.
Exploring Items and Features with IF, FI‐Tables.
Computer Graphics Forum, 35(3), p. 31-40, 2016.
P. van der Corput, J.J. van Wijk.
ICLIC: Interactive categorization of large image collections.
Proc. IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis 2016), p. 152-159, 2016.
S. van den Elzen, D. Holten, J. Blaas, J.J. van Wijk.
Reducing snapshots to points: A visual analytics approach to dynamic network exploration.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 22(1), p.1-10, 2016. Best paper award IEEE VAST 2015.
R. Scheepens, C. Hurter, H. van de Wetering, J.J. van Wijk.
Visualization, selection, and analysis of traffic flows.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 22(1), p.379-388, 2016


B.C.M. Cappers, J.J. van Wijk.
SNAPS: Semantic network traffic analysis through projection and selection.
Proc. IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec 2015), p. 1-8, 2015.
R. Scheepens, S. Michels, H. van de Wetering, J.J. van Wijk.
Rationale visualization for safety and security.
Computer Graphics Forum, 34(3), p.191-200, 2015.


P. van der Corput, J.J. van Wijk.
Effects of Presentation Mode and Pace Control on Performance in Image Classification.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 20(12), p.2301-2309, 2014.
S. van den Elzen, J.J. van Wijk.
Multivariate Network Exploration and Presentation: From Detail to Overview via Selections and Aggregations.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 20(12), p.2310-2319, 2014. Best paper award IEEE InfoVis 2014.
J.J. van Wijk.
Visualization of Regular Maps: The Chase Continues.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 20(12), p.2614-2623, 2014.
M. Wybrow, N. Elmqvist, J.-D. Fekete, T. von Landesberger, J.J. van Wijk, B. Zimmer.
Interaction in the Visualization of Multivariate Networks.
In: A. Kerren, H.C. Purchase, M.O. Ward (eds.), Multivariate Network Visualization, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8380, Springer, p. 97-125.
P. van der Corput, J. Arends, J.J. van Wijk.
Visualization of Medicine Prescription Behavior.
Computer Graphics Forum 33(3), p. 161-170, 2014.
R. Scheepens, H. van de Wetering, J.J. van Wijk.
Contour Based Visualization of Vessel Movement Predictions.
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 28(5), p.891-909, 2014.
S. van den Elzen, D. Holten, J. Blaas, J.J. van Wijk.
Dynamic Network Visualization with Extended Massive Sequence Views.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 20(8), p.1087-1099, 2014.
R. Scheepens, H. van de Wetering, J.J. van Wijk
Non-overlapping Aggregated Multivariate Glyphs for Moving Objects.
In: Proc. IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium, PacificVis 2014, p. 17-24, 2014.


J.J. van Wijk.
Math for Visualization, Visualizing Math.
Proc. of Bridges 2013: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture. p. 9-12, 2013.
M. van Garderen, J.J. van Wijk.
Seifert Surfaces with Minimal Genus.
Proc. of Bridges 2013: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture. p. 453-456, 2013.
J.J. van Wijk.
Evaluation: A Challenge for Visual Analytics.
IEEE Computer 46(7), p. 56-60, 2013.
S. van den Elzen, J. Blaas, D. Holten, J.-K. Buenen, J.J. van Wijk, R. Spousta, A. Miao, S. Sala, S. Chan.
Exploration and Analysis of Massive Mobile Phone Data: A Layered Visual Analytics Approach.
In: V. Blondel et al., Mobile Phone Data for Development, Selected contributions to the D4D challenge, presented at the 3rd International Conference on the Analysis of Mobile Phone Datasets (NetMob 2013), Cambridge, MA, May 1-3, 2013.
S. van den Elzen, J.J. van Wijk.
Small Multiples, Large Singles: A New Approach for Visual Data Exploration.
Computer Graphics Forum 32(3), p. 191-200, 2013.
O. Schrijvers, J.J. van Wijk.
Visual Explanation of the Complexity in Julia Sets.
Computer Graphics Forum 32(3), p. 431-440, 2013.
S. van den Elzen, D. Holten, J. Blaas, J.J. van Wijk.
Reordering Massive Sequence Views: Enabling temporal and structural analysis of dynamic networks.
In: Proc. IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium, PacificVis 2013, p. 33-40, 2013.
N. Willems, R. Scheepens, H. van de Wetering, J.J. van Wijk.
Visualization of Vessel Traffic.
In: P. van de Laar, J. Tretmans, M. Borth (Eds.), Situation Awareness with Systems of Systems, Springer New York, p. 73-87, 2013.


R. Scheepens, N. Willems, H. van de Wetering, J.J. van Wijk.
Interactive Density Maps for Moving Objects.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 32(1): 56-66 (2012)
K. Dinkla, M.A. Westenberg, J.J. van Wijk.
Compressed Adjacency Matrices: Untangling Gene Regulatory Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18(12), p.2357-2466, 2012.


S. van den Elzen, J.J. van Wijk.
BaobabView: Interactive Construction and Analysis of Decision Trees.
In: Proceedings IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology, VAST 2011, Providence, RI, USA, October 23-28, p. 151-160.
R. Scheepens, N. Willems, H. van de Wetering, G. Andrienko, N. Andrienko, J.J. van Wijk.
Composite Density Maps for Multivariate Trajectories.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 17(12), p. 2518-2527, 2011.
J.H.T. Claessen, J.J. van Wijk.
Flexible Linked Axes for Multivariate Data Visualization.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 17(12), p. 2310-2316, 2011.
R. Scheepens, N. Willems, N. van de Wetering, J.J. van Wijk.
Interactive Visualization of Multivariate Trajectory Data with Density Maps.
In: Proceedings IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium PacificVis 2011, Hong Kong, China, March 1-4, p. 147-154, 2011.
D. Holten, P. Isenberg, J.J. van Wijk, J.-D. Fekete.
An Extended Evaluation of the Readability of Tapered, Animated, and Textured Directed-Edge Representations in Node-Link Graphs.
In: Proceedings IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium PacificVis 2011, Hong Kong, China, March 1-4, p. 195-202, 2011.
K. Dinkla, M.A. Westenberg, H.M. Timmerman, S.A.F.T. van Hijum, J.J. van Wijk.
Comparison of Multiple Weighted Hierarchies: Visual Analytics for Microbe Community Profiling.
Computer Graphics Forum 30(3), p. 1141-1150, 2011.
N. Willems, H. van de Wetering, J.J. van Wijk.
Evaluation of the Visibility of Vessel Movement Features in Trajectory Visualizations.
Computer Graphics Forum 30(3), p. 801-810, 2011.
T. von Landesberger, A. Kuijper, T. Schreck, J. Kohlhammer, J.J. van Wijk, J.-D. Fekete, D. W. Fellner.
Visual Analysis of Large Graphs: State-of-the-Art and Future Research Challenges.
Computer Graphics Forum 30(6), p. 1719-1749, 2011.


J. Li, J.-B. Martens, J.J. van Wijk.
A model of symbol size discrimination in scatterplots.
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM CHI 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, April 10-15, p. 2553-2562, 2010.
J. Li, J.J. van Wijk, J.-B. Martens.
A model of symbol lightness discrimination in sparse scatterplots.
In: Proceedings IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium PacificVis 2010, Taipei, Taiwan, March 2-5, p. 105-112, 2010.
D. Holten, J.J. van Wijk.
Evaluation of Cluster Identification Performance for Different PCP Variants.
Computer Graphics Forum 29(3), p. 793-802, 2010.
Y.B. Shrinivasan, J.J. van Wijk.
Supporting Exploratory Analysis with the Select and Slice Table.
Computer Graphics Forum 29(3), p. 803-812, 2010.
O. de Rooij, J.J. van Wijk, M. Worring.
MediaTable: Interactive Categorization of Multimedia Collections.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 30(5), p. 42-51, 2010.
J. Li, J.-B. Martens, J.J. van Wijk.
Judging correlation from scatterplots and parallel coordinate plots.
Information Visualization 9(1), p. 13-30, 2010.


A.J. Pretorius, J.J. van Wijk.
What Does the User Want to See? What Does the Data Want to Be?
Information Visualization, 8(3), p. 153-166, 2009.
J.J. van Wijk.
Model-Based Visualization: Computing Perceptually Optimal Visualizations.
In: T. Moeller, B. Hamann, R.D. Russell (eds.), Mathematical Foundations of Scientific Visualization, Computer Graphics, and Massive Data Exploration. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 343-350, 2009.
Y.B. Shrinivasan, J.J. van Wijk.
Supporting Exploration Awareness in Information Visualization.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 29(5), p. 24-33, 2009.
J.J. van Wijk.
Symmetric Tiling of Closed Surfaces: Visualization of Regular Maps.
ACM Transactions on Graphics 28(3), Article 49, 12 pages, 2009. Proceedings ACM SIGGRAPH 2009, New Orleans.
D. Holten, J.J. van Wijk.
Force-Directed Edge Bundling for Graph Visualization.
Computer Graphics Forum, 28(3), p.983-990, 2009. Proceedings EuroVis 2009, Berlin, Germany.
Willems, N., H. van de Wetering, J.J. van Wijk.
Visualization of Vessel Movements.
Computer Graphics Forum, 28(3), p.959-966, 2009. Proceedings EuroVis 2009, Berlin, Germany.
Li, J., J.J. van Wijk, J.-B. Martens.
Evaluation of Symbol Contrast in Scatterplots.
Proceedings IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium, Beijing, China, April 20-23, p. 97-104, 2009.
Holten, D., J.J. van Wijk.
A User Study on Visualizing Directed Edges in Graphs.
Proceedings CHI 2009, Boston, MA, USA, April 4-9, ACM SIGCHI, p. 2299-2309, 2009.


Verbeek, H.M.W., A.J. Pretorius, W.M.P. van der Aalst, J.J. van Wijk.
Assessing State Spaces using Petri Net Synthesis and Attribute-based Visualisation.
In K. Jensen, W.M.P. van der Aalst, and J. Billington (Eds.): ToPNoc I, LNCS 5100, Springer, p. 152-171, 2008.
B. Cornelissen, A. Zaidman, D. Holten, L. Moonen, A. van Deursen, J. J. van Wijk.
Execution trace analysis through massive sequence and circular bundle views.
Journal of Systems and Software (JSS) 81(12), p. 2252-2268, 2008.
Y.B. Shrinivasan, J.J. van Wijk.
Supporting the Analytical Reasoning Process in Information Visualization.
Proceedings CHI 2008, Florence, Italy, April 5-10, ACM SIGCHI, p. 1237-1246, 2008.
J.-D. Fekete, J.J. van Wijk, J.T. Stasko, C. North,
The Value of Information Visualization.
In: A. Kerren, J.T. Stasko, J.-D. Fekete, C. North (eds.), Information Visualization - Human-Centered Issues and Perspectives. LNCS 4950, Springer, p. 1-18, 2008.
M. Wijffelaars, R. Vliegen, J.J. van Wijk, E.J. van der Linden.
Generating Color Palettes using Intuitive Parameters.
Computer Graphics Forum, 27(3), p. 743-750, 2008. (EuroVis 2008).
D.H.R. Holten, J.J. van Wijk.
Visual Comparison of Hierarchically Organized Data.
Computer Graphics Forum, 27(3), p. 759-766, 2008. (EuroVis 2008).
A.J. Pretorius, J.J. van Wijk.
Visual Inspection of Multivariate Graphs.
Computer Graphics Forum, 27(3), p. 967-974, 2008. (EuroVis 2008).
S. Busking, A. Vilanova, J.J. van Wijk.
Particle-based non-photorealistic volume visualization.
The Visual Computer, 24(5), p. 335-346, 2008.
D. Reniers, J.J. van Wijk, A. Telea.
Computing Multiscale Curve and Surface Skeletons of Genus 0 Shapes Using a Global Importance Measure.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 14(2), p. 355-368, 2008.
J.J. van Wijk.
Unfolding the Earth: Myriahedral Projections.
The Cartographic Journal, 45(1), p. 32-42, 2008. Henry Johns Award 2009.
A.J. Pretorius, J.J. van Wijk.
Multiple Views on System Traces.
In: Proceedings PacificVIS '08, Kyoto, Japan, 5-7 March 2008, p. 95-102.


H.M.W. Verbeek, A.J. Pretorius, W.M.P. van der Aalst, J.J. van Wijk.
On Petri-net Synthesis and Attribute-based Visualization.
In: D. Moldt, F. Kordon, K.M. van Hee, J.M. Colom and R. Bastide (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering (PNSE'07), Siedlce, Poland, June 25-26, p. 127-144, 2007.
A.J. Pretorius, J.J. van Wijk.
Bridging the semantic gap: visualization of transition graphs with user-defined diagrams.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 27(5), p. 58-66, 2007.
D. Holten, B. Cornelissen, J.J. van Wijk.
Trace Visualization Using Hierarchical Edge Bundles and Massive Sequence Views.
In: Proc. 4th IEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis (VISSOFT 2007, Banff, Alberta, Canada, June 25-26, 2007). IEEE Computer Society, 2007.
B. Cornelissen, D.H.R. Holten, A. Zaidman, L. Moonen, J.J. van Wijk, A. van Deursen.
Understanding Execution Traces Using Massive Sequence and Circular Bundle Views.
In: Proceedings 15th International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC 2007, June 26-29, 2007, Banff, Alberta, Canada), p. 49-58, 2007.


D. Holten, J.J. van Wijk, J.-B. Martens.
A perceptually based spectral model for isotropic textures.
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 3(4), p. 376-398, 2006.
J.J. van Wijk.
Bridging the Gaps.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 26(6), p. 6-9, 2006.


A.J. Pretorius, J.J. van Wijk.
Visual Analysis of Multivariate State Transition Graphs.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 12(4), p. 685-692, 2006.
R. Vliegen, J.J. van Wijk, E.-J. van der Linden
Visualizing Business Data with Generalized Treemaps.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 12(4), p. 789-796, 2006.


J.J. van Wijk and A.M. Cohen.
Visualization of Seifert Surfaces.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 12(4), p. 485-496, 2006.


J.J. van Wijk.
Views on Visualization.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 12(4), p. 421-432, 2006.
M.W.E.J.Fiers, H.van de Wetering, T.H.J.M.Peeters, J.J.van Wijk and J.P.Nap.
DNAVis: interactive visualization of comparative genome annotations.
Bioinformatics, 22(3), p. 354-355, 2006.


S.L. Voinea, A.C. Telea, J.J. van Wijk.
CVSscan : visualization of code evolution.
In: Proceedings 2005 ACM Symposium on Software Visualization (SoftVis'05, Saint Louis MO, May 14-15, 2005). p. 47-56, 2005.
A.J. Pretorius, J.J. van Wijk.
Multidimensional visualization of transition systems.
In: In Proceedings 9th International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'05, London, UK, July 6-8, 2005), p. 323-328, 2005.
D.H.R. Holten, R. Vliegen, J.J. van Wijk.
Visual realism for the visualization of software metrics.
In: S. Ducasse & et al. (Eds.), Proceedings 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis (VISSOFT 2005, Budapest, Hungary, September 25, 2005), p. 27-32, 2005.
B. Moberts, A. Vilanova, J.J. van Wijk.
Evaluation of Fiber Clustering Methods for Diffusion Tensor Imaging.
In: C. Silva, E. Groeller, H. Rushmeier (eds.), Proc. IEEE Visualization 2005, p. 65-72, 2005.
J.J. van Wijk, A.M. Cohen.
Visualization of the Genus of Knots.
In: C. Silva, E. Groeller, H. Rushmeier (eds.), Proc. IEEE Visualization 2005, p. 567-574, 2005.
J.J. van Wijk.
The Value of Visualization.
In: C. Silva, E. Groeller, H. Rushmeier (eds.), Proc. IEEE Visualization 2005, p. 79-86, 2005. Best paper award.
Pranovich, S., H. Achten, B. de Vries, and J.J. van Wijk.
Structural Sketcher: Representing and Applying Well-Structured Graphic Representations in Early Design.
International Journal of Architectural Computing, 3(1), p. 75-91, 2005.


Wijk, J.J. van, D. Saupe.
Image Based Rendering of Iterated Function Systems.
Computers and Graphics, 28(6), p. 937-943, 2004.
Ham, F. van, and J.J. van Wijk.
Interactive Visualization of Small World Graphs.
In: Ward, M., T. Munzner (eds.), Proc. IEEE Symp. Information Visualization 2004, IEEE CS Press, p. 199-206, 2004.
Voinea, L., A. Telea, J. J. van Wijk.
EZEL: A Visual Assessment Tool for P2P file Sharing Networks.
In: Ward, M., T. Munzner (eds.), Proc. IEEE Symp. Information Visualization 2004, IEEE CS Press, p. 41-48, 2004.
Laramee, R.S., J.J. van Wijk, B. Jobard, H. Hauser.
ISA and IBFVS: Image Space-Based Visualization of Flow on Surfaces.
IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 10(6), p.637-648, 2004
Wijk, J.J. van, R.J. Moorhead II, G. Turk.
Guest Editor's Introduction: Special Section on IEEE Visualization.
IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 10(4), p.369-370, 2004.
Peeters, T., H. van de Wetering, M. Fiers, and J.J. van Wijk.
Case Study: Visualization of annotated DNA sequences.
In: Deussen, O., C. Hansen, D. Keim, D. Saupe (eds.), Proc. VisSym 2004, Symposium on Visualization, Konstanz, Germany, p. 109-114, Eurographics Press, May 2004.


Wijk, J.J. van, Wim A.A. Nuij.
A model for Smooth Viewing and Navigation of Large 2D Information Spaces.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 10(4), July-August 2004, p. 447-458.


Pranovich, S., J. J. van Wijk, H.M.M. van de Wetering.
An Architectural Design System for Early Stages.
In: Proceedings Graphicon'03, Moscow, Sept. 2003, p.117-123.
Pranovich, S., J. J. van Wijk.
A design system based on Architectural Representations.
In: Proceedings Interact '03, Zürich, Sept. 2003.


Wijk, J.J. van.
Image Based Flow Visualization for Curved Surfaces.
In: G. Turk, J. van Wijk, R. Moorhead (eds.), Proceedings IEEE Visualization 2003, October 19-24, 2003, IEEE Press, p. 123-130.
Telea, A.C., J.J. van Wijk.
3D IBFV: Hardware-Accelerated 3D Flow Visualization.
In: G. Turk, J. van Wijk, R. Moorhead (eds.), Proceedings IEEE Visualization 2003, October 19-24, 2003, IEEE Press, p. 233-240.


Wijk, J.J. van, Wim A.A. Nuij.
Smooth and Efficient Zooming and Panning.
In: T. Munzner, S. North (eds.), Proceedings IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis'2003), IEEE Computer Society Press, October 2003, p. 15-22. Best paper award.


Wijk, J.J. van, F. van Ham, H.M.M. van de Wetering.
Rendering Hierarchical Data.
Comm. ACM, 46(9ve), September 2003, p. 257-263.
Wijk, J.J. van, C.W.A.M. van Overveld.
Preset Based Interaction with High Dimensional Parameter Spaces.
In: F.H. Post, G.M. Nielson. G.-P. Bonneau (eds.), Data Visualization - The State of the Art. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, p. 391-406.
Ham, F. van, J.J. van Wijk.
Beamtrees: Compact Visualization of Large Hierarchies.
Information Visualization, 2(1), March 2003. Reprint of [66].


Ham, F. van, H.M.M. van de Wetering, J.J. van Wijk.
Interactive Visualization of State Transition Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 8(4), October-December 2002, p. 319-329.
Ham, F. van, J.J. van Wijk.
Beamtrees: Compact Visualization of Large Hierarchies.
Proceedings IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis'2002), IEEE Computer Society Press, 2002.


Wijk, J.J. van.
Image Based Flow Visualization.
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 21(3), p. 745-754. Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2002.
A.C. Telea, J.J. van Wijk.
An Augmented Fast Marching Method for Computing Skeletons and Centerlines.
In: Data Visualization 2002, Proceedings of the joint Eurographics and IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization, 2002, Springer, Vienna.
Pranovich, S., H. Achten, J.J. van Wijk.
Towards an architectural design system based on generic representations.
In: Gero, J.S. (ed.), Artificial Intelligence in Design'02, Cambridge (UK), July 13-17, p. 153-164, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
Pranovich, S., J.J. van Wijk, C.W.A.M. van Overveld.
The KITE Geometry Manipulator.
In: Terveen, L., Wixon, D., Extended Abstracts CHI2002, vol. 4., issue 1, Minneapolis (USA), April 20-25, ACM SIGCHI, p. 764-765, 2002.



Kleiberg, E., H. van de Wetering, J.J. van Wijk.
Botanical Visualization of Huge Hierarchies.
In: Andrews, K., S.F. Roth, P.C. Wong, Proceedings IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis'2001), IEEE Computer Society Press, 2001, p. 87-94.
Ham, F.J.J. van, H. van de Wetering, J.J. van Wijk.
Visualization of State Transition Graphs.
In: Andrews, K., S.F. Roth, P.C. Wong, Proceedings IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis'2001), IEEE Computer Society Press, 2001, p. 59-66.
Wijk, J.J. van, A.C. Telea.
Enridged Contour Maps.
In: Ertl, T., K.Joy, A. Varshney (eds.), Proceedings IEEE Visualization 2001, 2001, IEEE; IEEE Computer Society, p. 69-74.
Vries, B. de, A.J. Jessurun, J.J. van Wijk.
Interactive 3D Modeling in the Inception Phase of Architectural Design.
In: J.C. Roberts (ed.), Eurographics 2001 - Short presentations, ISSN 1017-4656, Manchester, UK, p. 265-271.
A.C. Telea, J.J. van Wijk.
Visualization of Generalized Voronoi Diagrams.
In: Data Visualization 2001, Proceedings of the joint Eurographics and IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization, 2001, Springer, Vienna.
Garcke, H., H. Preusser, M. Rumpf, A.C. Telea, U. Weikard, J.J. van Wijk.
A Phase Field Model for Continuous Clustering on Vector Fields.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (7)3, July-September 2001, p. 242-253.


Garcke, H., H. Preusser, M. Rumpf, A.C. Telea, U. Weikard, J.J. van Wijk.
A Continuous Clustering Method for Vector Fields.
In: Proceedings IEEE Visualization 2000, 2000, IEEE Computer Society, p. 189-198.
Telea, A.C., J.J. van Wijk.
SmartLink: An Agent for Supporting Dataflow Application Construction.
In: W. de Leeuw, R. van Liere (eds.), Data Visualization 2000, Proceedings of the joint Eurographics and IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization, 2000, Springer, Vienna, p. 189-198.


Bruls, D.M., C. Huizing, J.J. van Wijk.
Squarified Treemaps.
In: W. de Leeuw, R. van Liere (eds.), Data Visualization 2000, Proceedings of the joint Eurographics and IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization, 2000, Springer, Vienna, p. 33-42.
Wijk, J.J. van, R. van Liere, J.D. Mulder.
Bringing Computational Steering to the User.
In: F. Post, H. Hagen, G. Nielson (eds.), Scientific Visualization - Dagstuhl'97 proceedings, 2000, IEEE Computer Society, p. 304-313.


Wijk, J.J. van, E. van Selow.
Cluster and Calendar-based Visualization of Time Series Data.
In: G. Wills, D. Keim (eds.), Proceedings 1999 IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis'99), October 25-26, 1999, IEEE Computer Society, p. 4-9.


Wijk, J.J. van, H. van de Wetering.
Cushion Treemaps.
In: G. Wills, D. Keim (eds.), Proceedings 1999 IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis'99), October 25-26, 1999, IEEE Computer Society, p. 73-78.
Telea, A.C., J.J. van Wijk.
Simplified Representation of Vector Fields.
In: D. Ebert, M. Gross, B. Hamann (eds.), Proceedings IEEE Visualization 1999, October 24-29, 1999, ACM Press, New York, p. 35-42.


Wijk, J.J. van, B. de Vries, C.W.A.M. van Overveld.
Towards an Understanding 3D VR Architectural Design System.
Proceedings Interactions in Virtual Worlds, 15th Twente Workshop on Language Technology, Enschede, NL, May 19-21, 1999.
Telea, A.C., J.J. van Wijk.
VISSION: An Object Oriented Dataflow System for Simulation and Visualization.
In E. Groeller, H. Loeffelmann, W. Ribarsky (eds.), Data Visualization'99, Proceedings of the Joint Eurographics and IEEE TVCG Symposium on Visualization, Vienna, 1999, p. 225-234.
Mulder, J.D., J.J. van Wijk, R. van Liere.
A survey of Computational Steering Environments.
Future Generation Computer Systems, 15(1), February 1999, p. 119-129.
Wijk, J.J. van.
Beyond the Arrow Plot - New Methods for Flow Visualization.
ElectronicsCooling, 5 (1), January 1999, p. 30-34.


Selow, E.R. van, J.J. van Wijk, J.N.T. Jehee.
Identification and Visualization of Energy-Consumption Patterns.
Proceedings DA/DSM Europe 1998 Conference, London, UK, 27-29 October 1998, Pennwell.
Mulder, J.D., F.C.A. Groen, J.J. van Wijk.
Pixel Masks for Screen-Door Transparency.
In: D. Ebert, H. Hagen, H. Rushmeier (editors), Proceedings of IEEE Visualization '98, IEEE Computer Society Press, October 1998, p. 351-358.
Mulder, J.D., R. van Liere, J.J. van Wijk.
Computational Steering in the CAVE.
Future Generation Computer Systems, 14(3), 1998, p. 199-207.


Mulder, J.D., J.J. van Wijk.
Parametrizable Cameras for 3D Computational Steering.
Presented at the Eight Workshop on Visualization in Scientific Computing, Boulogne-sur-Mer, April 1997.
Wijk, J.J. van, R. van Liere.
An Environment for Computational Steering.
In: G.M. Nielson, H. Mueller, H. Hagen (eds.): Scientific Visualization: Overviews, Methodologies, and Techniques. CS-Press, 1997.
R. van Liere, J.D. Mulder, J.J. van Wijk.
Computational Steering.
Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier North-Holland, vol. 12, 441-450, 1997.
Liere, R. van, J.J. van Wijk.
Steering Smog Prediction.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1225, Proceedings of High-Performance Computing and Networking '97, Vienna, Austria, 1997, 241-252.


Koning, A.J., J.J. van Wijk, J.-P. Delaroche.
ECISVIEW: An Interactive Toolbox for Optical Model Development.
Proceedings of the Specialists' Meeting on the Nucleon-Nucleus Optical Model up to 200 MeV, 13-15 Nov. 1996, Bruyeres-le-Chatel, France.
Bruin, J. de, P. de Vink, J.J. van Wijk.
M - A Visual Simulation Tool.
In: Simulation in the Medical Sciences, The Society for Computer Simulation, San Diego, 1996, p. 181-186.
Wijk, J.J. van, H.J.W. Spoelder, W.J. Knibbe, K.E. Shahroudi.
Interactive Exploration and Modeling of Large Data Sets: A Case Study with Venus Light Scattering Data.
Proceedings IEEE Visualization '96, San Francisco, ACM Press, November 1996.
Liere, R. van, J.J. van Wijk.
Computational Steering.
In: H. Liddel, A. Colbrook, B. Hertzberger, P. Sloot (eds.), High-Performance Computing and Networking, Springer Verlag, April 1996, 696-702.
Liere, R. van, J.J. van Wijk.
CSE: A Modular Architecture for Computational Steering.
In: M. Goebel, J. David, P. Slavik, J.J. van Wijk (eds.), Virtual Environments and Scientific Visualization'96, Springer Verlag, Vienna, 1996, 257-266.


Mulder, J.D., J.J. van Wijk.
3D Computational Steering with Parametrized Geometric Objects.
In: Nielson, G.M., D. Silver (eds.), Proceedings IEEE Visualization'95, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1995, 304-311.
Mulder, J.D., J.J. van Wijk.
Logging in a Computational Steering Environment.
In: R. Scateni, J. van Wijk, P. Zanarini (eds.), Visualization in Scientific Computing'95, Springer Verlag, Vienna, 1995, 118-125.
Leeuw, W.C., J.J. van Wijk.
Enhanced Spot Noise for Vector Field Visualization.
In: Nielson, G.M., D. Silver (eds.), Proceedings IEEE Visualization'95, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1995.
Wijk, J.J. van.
Time Control in Interactive Scientific Animation.
In: M. Goebel, H. Mueller, B. Urban (eds.), Visualization in Scientific Computing, Springer-Verlag, Vienna, 1995, 124-136.


Wijk, J.J. van, A.J.S. Hin, W.C. de Leeuw, F. H. Post.
Three Ways to Show 3D Fluid Flow.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 14(5), September 1994, 33-39.
Liere, R. van, J.J. van Wijk.
Visualization of Multi-Dimensional Scalar Functions using HyperSlice.
CWI Quarterly, 7(2), June 1994, 147-158.
Hesselink, L., F.H. Post, J.J. van Wijk.
Research Issues in Vector and Tensor Field Visualization.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 14(2), March 1994, 76-79.
Post, F.H, J.J. van Wijk.
Visual Representation of Vector Fields - Recent Developments and Research Directions.
In: L. Rosenblum et al., Scientific Visualization: Advances and Challenges, Academic Press, 1994, 367-390.


Leeuw, W. de, J.J. van Wijk.
A probe for local flow field visualization.
Proceedings IEEE Visualization'93, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1993.
Wijk, J.J. van, R. van Liere.
HyperSlice - Visualization of scalar functions of many variables.
Proceedings IEEE Visualization'93, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1993.
Wijk, J.J. van.
Implicit Stream Surfaces.
Proceedings IEEE Visualization'93, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1993.
Wijk, J.J. van.
Flow Visualization with Surface Particles.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 13(4), July 1993, 18-24.
Wijk, J.J. van, J.T.W.M. Tissen.
Visualization of Molecular Dynamics.
Proceedings Fourth Eurographics Workshop on Visualization in Scientific Computing, Abingdon, 1993.


Wijk, J.J. van.
Rendering Surface Particles.
Proceedings IEEE Visualization'92, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1992, 54-61.
Wijk, J.J. van.
Scientific Visualization.
In P. Dewilde, J. Vandewalle (eds.) Computer Systems and Software Engineering, Kluwer Press, 1992, 387-396.


Wijk, J.J. van.
Spot noise - Texture Synthesis for Data Visualization.
Computer Graphics, 25(4), (Proceedings ACM SIGGRAPH'91), 1991, 309-318.
Stolk, J., J.J. van Wijk.
Surface-Particles for 3D Flow Visualization.
In F.H. Post, A.J.S. Hin (eds.) Advances in Scientific Visualization, Springer Verlag, 1992, 119-130.


Wijk, J.J. van.
A Raster Graphics Approach to Flow Visualization.
Proceedings Eurographics'90, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1990, 251-259.
Wijk, J.J. van.
Rendering Lines on Curved Surfaces.
In M. Grave, Y. Le Lous, W.T. Hewitt (eds.), Visualization in Scientific Computing, Springer Verlag, 1993, 113-120.


Wijk, J.J. van.
On New Types of Solid Models and their Visualization with Ray Tracing.
PhD thesis Delft University, Delft University Press, 1986.
Wijk, J.J. van.
SML: a Solid Modelling Language.
Computer-Aided Design, 18(8), October 1986.
Wijk, J.J. van.
Bicubic Patches for Approximating Non-Rectangular Control-Point Meshes.
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 3(1), 1986.


Wijk, J.J. van, F.W. Jansen, W.F. Bronsvoort.
Some Issues in Designing User Interfaces to 3D Raster Graphics.
Computer Graphics Forum, 4(1), 1985, 5-10.


Wijk, J.J. van.
Ray Tracing Objects Defined by Sweeping a Sphere.
Proceedings Eurographics'84, North-Holland, Amsterdam, September 1984, 73-82, also in Computers & Graphics 9(3), September 1985, 283-290.
Wijk, J.J. van, F.W. Jansen.
Realism in Raster Graphics.
Computers & Graphics, 8(2), September 1984, 217-219.
Wijk, J.J. van.
Ray Tracing Objects Defined by Sweeping Planar Cubic Splines.
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 3(3), July 1984, 223-237.
Bronsvoort, W.F., J.J. van Wijk, F.W. Jansen.
Two Methods for Improving the Efficiency of Ray Casting in Solid Modelling.
Computer-Aided Design, 16(1), January 1984, 51-55.


Jansen, F.W., J.J. van Wijk.
Fast Previewing Techniques in Raster Graphics.
Proceedings Eurographics'83, North-Holland, Amsterdam, September 1983, 195-202. Also in Computers & Graphics, 8(2), September 1984, 149-161.
Wijk, J.J. van, J. Wismans, J. Maltha.
MADYMO Pedestrian Simulations.
Proceedings SAE Symposium Pedestrian Impact Injury and Assessment, Detroit, 1983.
Ashton, S.J., D. Cesari, J.J. van Wijk, M. Pereira.
Experimental Reconstruction and Mathematical Modelling of Real World Pedestrian Accidents.
Proceedings SAE Symposium Pedestrian Impact Injury and Assessment, Detroit, 1983.


Wismans, J., J.J. van Wijk.
Mathematical Models for the Assessment of Pedestrian Protection Provided by a Car Contour.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles, Kyoto, 1982.
Wismans, J., J. Maltha, J.J. van Wijk, E.G. Jansen.
MADYMO - A Crash Victim Simulation Computer Program for Biomechanical Research and Optimization of Designs for Impact Injury Prevention.
AGARD Conference Proceedings, Cologne, 1982.